I am an engineer by trade and total beauty obsessed by heart. And I just love to mix my 2 passions of technology and beauty. So much I learn day by day to share. Hope you enjoy! :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Find: Sam Edelman 'Celia'

I just picked up these beautiful shoes from Nordstrom yesterday, called the Sam Edelman 'Celia'. Since the pointy toe is back in, I figured what the hay. Plus the snakeskin pattern is oh so pretty. I love animal prints that places the shoe in the neutral family so you are able to wear it with virtually anything. I am looking forward to dressing these up or down.

The Nordstrom anniversary sale official is set for July 20th, however, it is open to card holders now! I have a Nordstrom debit card which is pretty neat because it deducts the money right from your checking account and it keeps points for how much you spend. You enjoy benefits of receiving a gift card based on your number of points racked up and enjoying sales before the public. These were regularly $119.95 and I got them for $79.90.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

ModiFace App

I love beauty! Everything from hair to makeup etc. So when I discovered the ModiFace app on my iPad I was beyond excited. 

This app let’s you grab either a picture from your Facebook, photo library or a choice of a few model pictures they have and change and try on foundation, blush, bronzer, eyeshadow, mascara, hair and many other things!

Then you can save the picture and get a list of the products you tried on with a link to purchase them!
My beauty lovers would love this app and think “why didn’t I think of this??”
This app is available for FREE in the app store or you can purchase the premium version of it on sale for $2.99. The premium version allows you to add jewelry, accessories and other cool features.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Update: Apple Diet...FAIL!!

Admittance is only the first step to solve a problem. Unfortunately I have failed to follow through with the rest of the steps. I did make an effort but was pulled into the constant notifications on my phone, perhaps flipping it over so I won't see them would have helped, lol. I figured I could have worst hobbies such as drinking or drugs, lol. And many other excuses come to mind, lol. What I am going to do is flip over all device or shut them down (but not off since my phone is also my alarm) an hour and a half before bed. I read an article on Zite (another app that I love) which said that the light behind cell phones and computers keeps the mind "on" and makes you still sleepy after you get a night's rest (view article here http://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/taking-energy?cm_mmc=Twitter-_-WomensHealth-_-Content-Health-_-DehydrationUnexpectedCauseOfTiredness ). I figured baby steps is better than no steps at all.

Also I used Phonto to make this picture. Pretty cool app!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Apple Diet

They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away but what about when you have some type of Apple product in front of your face during every waking hour.  Something is definitely wrong with this picture and I have just come to grips with my total Apple addiction.  It can't be healthy when I am looking at blogs on my macbook, while playing Sims on my iPad and chatting with friends in Group Me on my iPhone all at the same time.  Again, something is definitely wrong with this picture!! So starting Monday, July 9, 212 (its always better to start something on a Monday right?) I am officially putting myself on an Apple diet.  I am expecting to have the usual side effects of any diet including but not limited to headache, crazy urges and sadness :-(. However I heard on some morning show (I barely ever watch them, so can't remember which one) that many people are becoming more comfortable with talking to a computer than actually interaction with one another.  This is so true! Many people don't even make phone calls to share good news when they can just post a status.

My Apple Diet:

I plan to gradual limit my time so this will be for day one, or at least the first couple of days so I won't go into complete shock!

iPhone - Limit to 2 hours of tweeting, pinning, instagramming, messaging, texting and Facebooking a day. (may your prayers be with me)

iPad - Limit to1 hour of usage a day.  This will deeply limit my building of my town in Sims. :( Womp!

Macbook - Limit to 30 minutes a day.

I will definitely check back in after a full day to share exactly how my diet is going. :)